The Fear of Missing Out
Do you ever do something because you’re secretly afraid that if you don’t you’ll miss out on something that’s important? Think, for example, of the things you’ve done after you realized that you just wasted a few hours. You know what that’s like. You decide that today will be different. No more wasting time. And…
Read MoreThink Positively
In 1952, Norman Vincent Peale published a book entitled The Power of Positive Thinking. To date, it has sold more than five million copies. Despite its popularity, there have been critics. By and large, they have suggested that positive thinking is an oversimplified solution to the complex problems that life throws at you; that you can’t simply “look…
Read MoreHow to Defeat the Bright Shiny Object Syndrome
There’s a certain received wisdom that only engineers and Internet marketers suffer from what is known as the Bright Shiny Object Syndrome. For some reason, they have been singled out as the two groups of people who are attracted to new things. Of course, you know that that’s nonsense. The United States and other western economies…
Read MoreHow to Break the Cycle of Distractions
If you’re going to tackle the besetting problem of distractions, then you have to eliminate the causes. Treating the symptoms will have no effect. It might mitigate the problems temporarily, but it will not make them go away. There are many reasons – causes, if you prefer – for how and why you’re distracted.…
Read MoreThe Psychology of Sales Letters
If you’re an online entrepreneur, then you know something about what we call sales copy, sales letters. Sales letters are written in a way that will persuade readers to buy whatever product is being offered. They contain a number of sections, each of which is designed to take readers on an emotional journey – from feeling frustration…
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